EDUCON is a premier educational showcase and learning opportunity for teachers, principals, and district leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to choose breakout sessions led by school districts from across the Central Kentucky region and beyond. You will not just come away with a good idea or two; you will gain an abundance of great ideas and best practices that you can immediately apply in your classroom, school, or district.
Breakout Session Strands: Your chance to focus on a particular area of interest throughout the conference or explore a broader span! 1. Academics & Instructional Best Practices 2. Communications & Outreach 3. Developing & Empowering Staff 4. Innovation & Technology 5. Safety & School Culture 6. Student Supports & Opportunities
Participants will hear from two distinguished keynote speakers. The Day 1 starting line-up will be led by two-time national champion for the University of Kentucky basketball team, Jeff Sheppard, who will take the "court" and share his insight. On Day 2, Artificial Intelligence and EdTech expert, Brian Buffington will rock the stage with mega hits to inspire you.
Daily Schedule 7:45 am Registration and Vendor Hall opens 8:30 am Welcome & Keynote Speaker 10:30 am -11:30 am Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions! 11:30 am -12:00 pm Vendor Hall & Networking 12:00 pm -1:00 pm Lunch break (lunch on own) 1:15 pm -2:15 pm Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions! 2:30 pm -3:30 pm Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions!
Log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Are you ready to revolutionize the way students view their future? Join us for an exciting session on Campbell County School District’s Elementary Career Clubs initiative, where we show you how to spark career curiosity in students as early as kindergarten! In this interactive presentation, we’ll dive into how students can begin investigating Kentucky’s 16 career clusters through fun, hands-on career clubs. Each year, students participate in a different club, exploring a new career pathway that aligns with one of the 16 clusters. By the time they reach 5th grade, students will have experienced a wide range of careers, equipping them to make informed decisions about which career exploration courses they’d like to pursue when they transition to middle school.
We’ll walk you through: • An overview of Kentucky’s 16 career clusters and how they provide a framework for career exploration. • Tracking systems to monitor student participation and progress across clubs. • Scheduling tips for making clubs accessible and impactful within your school day. • Engaging activities that bring real-world careers to life, from guest speakers to hands-on projects. • Essential resources to help you start your own career clubs and integrate them into your school’s curriculum.
Hear firsthand from elementary principals who have successfully integrated career clubs into their programming and learn how it has shaped their students’ long-term academic and career aspirations.