EDUCON is a premier educational showcase and learning opportunity for teachers, principals, and district leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to choose breakout sessions led by school districts from across the Central Kentucky region and beyond. You will not just come away with a good idea or two; you will gain an abundance of great ideas and best practices that you can immediately apply in your classroom, school, or district.

Breakout Session Strands: Your chance to focus on a particular area of interest throughout the conference or explore a broader span!
1. Academics & Instructional Best Practices
2. Communications & Outreach
3. Developing & Empowering Staff
4. Innovation & Technology
5. Safety & School Culture
6. Student Supports & Opportunities

Participants will hear from two distinguished keynote speakers. The Day 1 starting line-up will be led by two-time national champion for the University of Kentucky basketball team, Jeff Sheppard, who will take the "court" and share his insight. On Day 2, Artificial Intelligence and EdTech expert, Brian Buffington will rock the stage with mega hits to inspire you.

Daily Schedule
7:45 am Registration and Vendor Hall opens
8:30 am Welcome & Keynote Speaker
10:30 am -11:30 am Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions!
11:30 am -12:00 pm Vendor Hall & Networking
12:00 pm -1:00 pm Lunch break (lunch on own)
1:15 pm -2:15 pm Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions!
2:30 pm -3:30 pm Breakout Sessions - see Schedule tab to pickup your sessions!
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
A "Puzzle to Success" includes the pieces of People, Planning, and Practice.  With the strategic use of the individual strengths of our people within our school, planning the implementation of the core system for school improvement and station teaching, and the consistent practice of work within the core system, Anderson County Middle School is creating a positive culture for learning focused on achievement and growth for all students and staff.

Jeanna Rose

Principal, Anderson County Schools

Jennifer Merchant

Teacher, Anderson County Schools

Alicia Finnell

Curriculum Coach, Anderson County Middle School

Heather Case

Anderson County Schools

Laura Sell

Teacher, Anderson County Schools
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am EDT

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