About me
Brian Buffington is an EDU pioneer, paving the way, bringing the Buff Magic, seeking and searching, always sniffing out better ways to increase student engagement and learning through technology. Year after year, he inspires thousands of teachers, admins, and students by highlighting instructional technology strategies that promote creativity, professional media production, and digital living education. His diverse background of somewhat eccentric expertise includes teaching 8th graders about science, owning music venues, running a vintage clothing shop, and recording and performing his craftily written songs about extremely important and equally relevant issues such as cheese and 8th grade mustaches.
Brian has presented, motivated, entertained at national, state, and regional conferences all across the USA. A fan favorite has been the “Teacher Tech Academy,” a single-day event where educator rock stars showcase student-centered creative uses of technology. Since 2017 and for 6 years straight, he has broadcasted a yearly cyber safety event on Facebook Live, “A Parent’s Guide to Raising Digital Natives.”, that helps thousands of parents and guardians across the world. In 2021, Brian was included in EdTech K-12 Magazine’s “Top 30 to Follow in 2021.”
When Brian is not playing with all the latest technology, he’s using excessive commas, dropping realness in the form of clever five minute chats on his “Buff Nuggets” podcast, and performing at house concerts, singing #happymusicforthemasses. Along with his wife Brooke, Brian owns Studio Blue, a creative media company, and they reside in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, where they’re raising two crazy kids and consistently and purposefully seeking out adventures.