EDUCON is a premier educational showcase and learning opportunity for teachers, principals, and district leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to choose breakout sessions led by school districts from across the Central Kentucky region and beyond. You will not just come away with a good idea or two; you will gain an abundance of great ideas and best practices that you can immediately apply in your classroom, school, or district.

Participants will hear from two distinguished keynote speakers. The Day 1 starting line-up will be led by two-time national champion for the University of Kentucky basketball team, Jeff Sheppard, who will take the "court" and share his insight. On Day 2, Artificial Intelligence and EdTech expert, Brian Buffington will rock the stage with mega hits to inspire you.

EDUCON will be held in Richmond, KY at EKU Perkins Conference Center. The Center is only minutes from Interstate 75 at Exit 87. The physical address is 4440 Kit Carson Dr. Richmond, KY 40475.

Tentative Daily Schedule
7:45 am Registration and Vendor Hall Opens
8:30 am General Session & Keynote Speaker
10:30-11:30 am Breakout Sessions & District Showcase
11:30 am-12:00 pm Vendor Hall
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch break (lunch on own)
1:15-2:15 pm Breakout Sessions & District Showcase
2:30-3:30 pm Breakout Sessions & District Showcase


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Full Event Schedule: https://ckyeducon2025.sched.com/all.ics

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